Sara Silverman is the un-funny

She’s THE un-funny. I actually feel embarrassed for her. If you were to look up un-funny, I bet there’d be a picture of her in the dictionary picking her nose and giving you the finger or some other ridiculous vulgar thing (actually, that would probably be too tame for her). I get it, you’re a woman comic and you feel like you have to be rude and gross like all of the men and that you like to make fun of stuff that other people think is important and you like to be all controversial and you have a potty mouth. Yawn! That does not mean everything out of it is funny. Joking about abortions is not funny, pretending to be a black person is not funny, joking about AIDS is not funny, joking about being raped IS NOT FREAKING FUNNY! My husband seems to really like her show (I assume since it’s always on the DVR) so I asked him why it’s funny. The other people on her show are funny, but for some reason we’re forced to listen to her nonsense through the whole thing. How un-funny is something when you actually have to ask other people why it’s funny? I’m really trying to see the appeal. I think I have a very open mind and a pretty decent sense of humor. I’m no prude in any sense of the word. Why don’t I get it? Jeff says it’s because she’s ironic and she’s totally anti-Politically Correct (like that’s a new thing). Carlos Mencia is anti-Politically Correct and I laugh my ass off when I watch his show. I don’t even crack a smile when I watch The Sara Silverman Program. Worse yet, it made me feel uncomfortable and unclean and I wanted to change the channel (but Jeff was watching it so I just did something else). Now that I think of it, Jeff doesn’t laugh either. I’ve said it before…Why is everything that’s considered hilarious always more like trying to come up with the most shocking, crude, disgusting thing? It’s unimaginative and obvious and boring.

I thought maybe I am just getting old and crotchety so I Google’d “Sara Silverman is not funny” and came up with all of these people who seem to be writing the same thing. If so many people think her show is crap, why is it still on? Why didn’t they cancel it and put on more South Park or something like that? As much as I dislike South Park (at times…I’m rather bored and tired of jokes about poo), I’d rather watch that than 5 minutes of un-funny, un-talented, un-witty Sara Silverman.

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